Семинар в Шамони

Новини - Светът | Тренировка

13.03.2003 22:49 peteratt, Коментари

От 26 до 28 юни т. г. Комисията по алпинизъм (The Mountaineering Commission) на ЮИАА ще проведе семинар по стандартите на подготовка, валидни за височинния алпинизъм и трекинг-туризма в Хималаите, Каракорум, Андите, Африка. Съществуващите моделни стандарти за планинарство, скално катерене, алпинизъм и ски-алпинизъм са неприспособени към гореспоменатите области. Срещата в Шамони ще търси решения в тази посока. Работна група трябва да обобщи опита на националните федерации и да предложи схема за бъдеща работа.

Със съществуващите стандарти (на английски, френски и испански) можете да се запознаете от секцията на Комисията по алпинизъм в сайта на ЮИАА:

А ето и програмата на семинара:


Dates: 26-28 June 2003. Arriving on 25th, departing on 29th June

Aim: During three semi-practical days we will discuss the UIAA's Model Standards for Voluntary Leaders and the standards applied by different countries.

Venue: Club Alpine Francais's Refuge in the village of le Tour in the Chamonix valley. All food and accommodation will be supplied and while the cost has not yet been agreed it is likely to be under 200 euros per person.

Equipment and Presentation Materials: each delegate should bring appropriate personal equipment, a 'poster' that summarises their training schemes and copies of any other materials that they wish to circulate to the seminar.

Programme: There is a need for some flexibility in the programme because of the weather. The following programme should be considered as a sample.

- 25th June, Wednesday, Arrival,

- 26th June, Thursday, 8.30 – 16.00, Presentations and Discussions, 16.30, Informal bouldering or walk from the Col des Montets before evening meal,

- 27th June, Friday. Choice of Glacier or non-glacial tour or practical exercises on local cliffs,

- 28th June, Saturday, Practical exercises on local rock cliffs, ice walls (Mer de Glace glacier) or non-glacial trekking areas.

- 29th June, Sunday. Depart. It is hoped that some delegates may wish to stay on to walk and climb together

Content: It is intended to allow substantial informal discussion between representatives on all aspects of leader training.

For Further Information and booking details contact:

John Cousins, President UIAA's Training Standards Working Group,


fax: 00441690720248,

phone 00441690720272.


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