V-образен клин |
Angle peg |
Аклиматизация |
Acclimatization |
The adaptation of the human body to the rarefied air and lack of oxygen found at high altitudes. |
Алпийски инвентар |
Alpen stock |
Алпийски клуб |
Alpine club |
Алпинизъм (Алпийско катерене) |
Alpinism, mountaineering, alpine climbing |
Climbing which traditionally involves the problems of high mountains and glacier travel as well as the ascent of a peak. Alpine clutch An alternative name for a karabiner clutch. |
Алпинист |
Alpinist, mountaineer |
Алтиметър |
Altimeter |
An aneroid barometer, calibrated to read height rather than pressure, which can be used as a navigational aid or for weather forecasting. Altitude sickness The result of ascent to high altitudes without proper acclimatisation. Can result in sickness, sore and more. |
Атмосферно налягане |
Atmospheric pressure |
Базов лагер |
Base camp |
The lowest and usually the largest fixed camp on the ascent of a high mountain. Bashies Soft aluminium blocks which can be hammered into incipient cracks and grooves for aid. Difficult to remove, they can be a form of visual pollution on the rocks. |
Балансово движение |
Balance move |
A climbing move made without the security of a good hand hold in which the climber is relying mostly on his footwork. |
Барометър |
Barometer |
Бездна, пропаст |
Precipice |
Бергщрунд |
Bergschrund |
Бивак |
Bivouac |
Било, хребет |
Ridge |
Блок карабинери |
Bridging |
A climbing technique in which the feet press outwards in opposite directions. This can be on either positive or friction holds. The arms can also be bridged, though primarily it uses the feet. It is commonest where there are two opposing walls, such as in |
Болт |
Bolt |
Metal expansion bolt which is placed in pre-drilled hole in the rock for either protection or aid. As they can be placed almost anywhere, the climber rather than the rock determines their location. Controversial in some areas. |
Боулдър |
Boulder |
The practice of climbing on boulders or at the foot of higher cliffs. Generally, bouldering is taken to heights where it is safe to jump off and can be used both as training and as an activity in its own right. Bowline A knot commonly used in climb |
Булин |
Bowline |
Варовик |
Limestone |
Вертикална хватка |
Side pull |
Винкел |
Open book |
Включвам се |
Clip, to |
Водач |
Leader, guide |
Водене |
Leading |
Водопад |
Waterfall |
Връх |
Peak |
Връхна пирамида |
Summit |
Връщане |
Back off |
Втори катерач |
Second climber |
Въже |
Rope, Pitch |
Въжена примка |
Bight |
Възел |
Knot |
Възел девятка |
Figure - Of – Nine |
Външен ъгъл |
Pillar |
Гети |
Gaiters |
Гидовник |
Guide book |
A book containing descriptions of the climbs in an area. |
Глетчер, ледник |
Glacier, crevasse |
A huge mass of ice usually confined to a valley and flowing downhill. |
Голяма хватка |
Bucket |
Горна осигуровка |
Top rope |
Гранит |
Granite |
Двоен тъкачески |
Double fisherman’s, Grapevine knot |
Двойно въже |
Double rope, twin rope |
Денг за биг уал катерене |
Pig |
Десендьор |
Descender, hoisting |
Диаграма, която показва линията на маршрута |
Topo |
Динамично движение |
Dynamic move |
Дължина на въжето |
Rope length, pitch |
Дължина на въжето между първия и втория |
Run out |
Единично въже с диаметър от 9,8 до 11 мм. |
Single rope |
Екипировка за катерене |
Climbing Equipment |
Ексцентрик |
Hexcentric, Cam |
Еспадрили |
Boots, sticky boots, Climbing shoes, rock shoes |
Естествена опора |
Anchor, thread |
Жумар |
Jummar |
Заклещен възел |
Jammed knot |
Заслон |
Shelter |
Затягаща примка |
Wrist loop |
Игла |
Needle |
Иглу |
Igloo |
Издатина (скална) |
Ledge |
Изкачване |
Climb |
Изкуствена опора |
Aid point |
Изкуствена стена |
Climbing wall |
Изкуствено катерене |
Artificial climbing, aid climbing, direct aid |
Climbing which relies on the use of pegs, nuts and other equipment as the means of progress rather than as protection. Artificial climbing is generally confined to rock or ice which cannot be climbed by more natural means. Also known as aid climbing. |
Използване на цялата площ на ръката върху хватката |
Palming |
Инвентар |
Gear |
General name for climbing equipment. Also applied specifically to protection. |
Инвентарник |
Bandolier |
Shoulder sling used to carry equipment. Barn-door An uncontrollable outwards swing like a door opening - usually followed by falling off. Characteristic of difficult laybacks. |
Камалот |
Camelot |
Каменопад |
Stone fall |
Камина |
Chimney |
A fissure into which most or all of the body can fit. |
Камина, която е широка в основата си и се стеснява нагоре |
Bomb-day |
A chimney which is wider at the bottom and narrow upwards. This downwards flare can be disconcerting to climb. |
Кампус борд |
Campus board |
Карабинер |
Karabiner |
Карабинер крив - за въже |
Bent Gate Karabiner |
Карабинер с муфа |
Locking karabiner; screw-gate |
Каска |
Helmet |
Protective head gear worn by climbers as partial protection from falling rocks and ice and also in the case of head-first falls. Essential in some types of climbing. |
Категории |
Grade, rate |
Катерачната екипировка от метал |
Hardware, gear |
Катерене без въже |
Solo |
Катерене без техника, силово |
Thuggish |
Катерене в пукнатина |
Crack ups |
Катерене над дълбока вода |
Deer water soloing |
Катерене по големи стени |
Big wall climbing |
A climb, usually on rock, of such length and sustained difficulty that several days are required for its ascent. Artificial climbing is usual on big walls, as is the use of other specialised techniques such as sack hauling. Bight A loop of rope which can |
Катерене по неконкретизирани пасажи |
Scrambling |
Катерене при което се използва повече баланс от колкото сила |
Delicate |
Катерене с горна осигуровка |
Top-roping |
Катерене с котки |
Championing |
Класически рапел |
Classic abseil |
Класическо (традиционно) катерене |
Trad climbing |
Клема |
Wire |
Клема или др. |
Nut |
Клемовадач |
Nut key, Nut tool |
Клемовадач за френдове |
Nut key with a double hook |
Клин |
Peg, Pin, Piton |
Клин, които се зачуква в леда |
Drive-in |
Контролирано плъзгащо се слизане по снежен склон |
Glissade |
Корниз |
Cornice |
An overhanging mass of snow formed by the wind along the edge of a ridge or plateau. Couloir A broad gully. |
Котки |
Crampon |
Metal framework with a set of downward-facing points and usually two forward-facing ones. A crampon is attached to the sole of each boot and used for climbing on snow and ice. |
Кулоар |
Couloir |
Къса стълба за изкуствено катерене |
Etrier |
Лабилен камък |
Loose rock |
Лавина |
Avalanche |
Леден клин |
Ice peg |
A peg designed to be used in ice. |
Леден клин на винт |
Ice screw |
An ice peg which can be screwed into and out of the ice. |
Леден чук |
Ice hammer |
A tool similar to an ice axe which has a hammer head instead of an adze. |
Ледена осигуровка |
Ice-axe belay |
A belay set up using an ice axe as the anchor point. |
Ледена ръка |
Ice-axe |
The basic tool for climbing on snow and ice. |
Лента |
Tape |
Лентов възел |
Tape knot |
Линия на падане |
Fall line |
Магнезий |
Chalk, magnesium |
Light magnesium carbonate, in powder or block form, which is rubbed on to the hands to improve their grip of the rock, particularly when they are hot and sweating. Carried in a chalk bag slung round the waist. |
Максимално усилие, което въжето поема |
Impact force |
Малка платформа |
Shelf |
Малка скала |
Outcrop |
Малка хватка |
Crimper |
A very small hold that accepts only the finger tips. In the UK, this is just called a crimp. |
Малки снежни кристали |
Graupel |
Маршрут |
Route |
Маршрут с завишена категория |
Over graded |
Маршрут с занижена категория |
Un graded |
Маршрут с много добри междинни осигуровки |
Well protected |
Маршрут, по който лесно може да се избегнат трудните пасажи |
Escapable |
Масив |
Massif |
Междинна осигуровка |
Running Belay; Runner |
Мек лед |
Rime |
Метод за катерене на камина |
Chimneying |
Метод на осигуряване |
Belay method |
Метод на осигуряване, при които се отпуска повече въже, за д |
Dynamic belay |
Микро клема |
Micro nut |
Муфа |
Ferrule |
Мъртва точка |
Deadpoint |
Място за осигуровка |
Belay Place /Pitch |
Надвес |
Overhang |
Накъсан маршрут |
Chop route |
A climb that has an almost indefinable combination of line, history, situations and climbing which makes it outstanding. It can be of any standard. |
Натискам, заклещвам |
Jam, to |
Небесна кука |
Skyhook |
Небесна кука |
Fifi hook, hanger |
An open metal hook, usually on the top of an etrier, to allow fast, convenient clipping into a karabiner. Also used as a quick means of resting if attached by a short sling to the harness. |
Ниша |
Niche |
Обективна опасност |
Objective danger |
Онсайт |
On sight |
Осигуровка |
Belay, Protection |
Осигуровка с въжето през рамо |
Shoulder belay |
Осигуровчик |
Belayer |
The person who manages the rope in such a way that he can arrest a fall should one occur. |
Осигуряване |
Belay method |
The way in which a rope can be held or arranged which allows a fall to be stopped by converting some of the fall energy into friction. |
Осмица (възел) |
Figure - Of - Eight (knot) |
The most useful knot in climbing which can be employed for a variety of purposes. |
Осмица (устройство) |
Figure-of-8 descended |
An abseil device consisting of two joined metal rings of different sizes. |
Основен масив |
Buttress |
A defined rocky mass which stands proud of the main mountainside. |
Остър ръб |
Knife edge |
Отклоняване |
Bollard |
Падам |
Fall, to |
Падане |
Fall down |
Пандюл |
Pendulum |
Парапет |
Parapet |
Пасаж (трудно място) |
Crux |
The most difficult section of a climb. The crux pitch is the most difficult pitch. |
Планина |
Mountain |
Планинска болест |
Altitude; mountain sickness |
Пластина |
Belay plate |
A metal plate or tube through which a bight of rope can be taken and then clipped into a karabiner. A fall is arrested by the friction of the rope and the plate as the rope is taken through a sharp S shape when braking occurs. |
Платформа |
Porta-ledge |
Плоча |
Slab, Glacis |
Площадка |
Stance |
Площадка за осигуряване |
Belay station |
Подход |
Gangway |
Позиция в която можеш да сменяш последователно ръцете, докат |
Shake out; rest hand |
Полустреме |
Munter hitch |
Помощно въже |
Half-rope |
Превал |
Ridge |
Примка от въжето |
Sling |
Примка с два карабинера |
Express |
Примка-прусек |
Prusik loop |
Примус |
Primus |
Sometihnig that help us to cook something for eat or drink( like tea,or just hot water ) |
Протриващ възел |
Munter hitch |
Also : Friction hitch ;Italian hitch knot that can use when forget your devise ( Eight, ATM or other)at home. |
Протягане |
Extension |
Прусек |
Prusik |
Пукнатина |
Crack |
Пукнатина в ледник |
Crevasse |
Пътека |
Track |
Пясъчник |
Sandstone |
Разчитане/ намиране на маршрута |
Route finding |
Раница |
Back-pack |
Рапел |
Abseil, rope down, rappel |
The means by which a rope can be descended safely, the speed of descent being controlled by friction which can be produced by wrapping the rope round the body or by using an abseil device. |
Рапелна примка |
Abseil sling |
The sling used to anchor the abseil rope and facilitate rope retrieval once the abseil is completed. |
Ребро (скално) |
Rib |
sediment rocks |
Редпойнт (Червена точка) |
Redpoint |
Релеф на скалата |
Prow |
Ринг |
Ring |
Ръб |
Edge |
Самозатягащ се възел |
Ascending Knot |
Свободен рапел |
Free abseil |
Свободно катерене |
Free climbing |
Свръзка |
Team |
Седалка |
Harness |
Сипей |
Scree(s) |
Скала |
Rock, gully |
Скална люспа |
Flake |
A thin slab of rock which is detached or partially detached from the main face. |
Слизане с откатерване |
Down climbing |
Смесено катерене |
Mixed climbing |
Снежен подслон |
Snow shelter |
Снежна дупка |
Snow hole |
Снежна слепота |
Snow blindness |
Соло |
Solo |
Спиращ възел |
Stopper knot |
Спортно катерене |
Sport climbing |
Статично въже |
Static rope |
Стена |
Wall |
Стена за катерене |
Climbing wall |
Purpose-built training facility which is constructed to resemble a rock face. |
Степен на трудност |
Grade |
Стреме |
Clove hitch; stirrup |
Стълбичkа |
Ladder |
Стъпка |
Foot hold |
Стъпка изрязана в снега |
Pigeonhole step |
A type of step cut in snow or ice which is generally quite large and half-round in shape. |
Стъпка изрязана в сняг или лед |
Bucket step |
Таван |
Ceiling, roof |
Такса, която се плаща за да се катери в Хималаите |
Peak fee |
Темляк |
Ferrule |
Connection between the spike and the shaft of an ice axe. |
Техника |
Technique |
Техника на катерене, при която ръцете и краката натискат в р |
Layback |
Торбичка |
Sandbag |
Траверс |
Traverse |
Траверс, които има малки стъпки, но няма хватки |
Toe traverse |
Траверс, който пресича скалата от единия до другия и край |
Girdle traverse |
Три кам |
Tri-Cams |
Трудно катерене по малки хватки |
Thin |
Устройства за само извличане |
Mechanical Ascenders |
Устройство |
Gear |
Фактор на падане |
Fall factor |
Indication of the severity of a fall obtained by dividing the length of the fall by the length of rope involved. |
Фиксирана осигуровка |
Fixed protection |
Anchors which have been deliberately left in place for others to use. This can be in the form of pegs, bolts, nuts or threads. |
Фиксирано въже |
Fixed rope |
Rope which is fixed in position once a pitch has been ascended to allow repeated ascents to be made easily or to act as a safe line of retreat to the foot of the climb. |
Фирн |
Firn |
Process by which snow is converted into glacier ice. Firn becomes ice when the air spaces between the grains are sealed off from each other. |
Флаш |
Flash |
Френд |
Friend |
Френд е еластично рамо |
Three e-or technical cam units-TCUs |
Хватка |
Hand hold |
Хватка-джоб |
Pocket |
Хипотермия |
Hypothermia, Exposure |
The condition in which the body's vital core is cooled as a result of exposure to adverse conditions such as cold, wind, rain or snow. This can be a fatal condition and is often associated with exhaustion. |
Цепнатина |
Crack |
A fissure in the rock which can range in size from hairline to almost wide enough to admit a body. |
Чисто катерене (Свободно преминаване) |
Clear climbing |
Climbing without falling or dogging. |
Чук за клинове |
Peg hammer |
Ъгъл |
Corner, open book |
A rock feature similar to the inside of an open book where the two walls meet to form an approximate right angle. Sometimes called an open book or an inside corner. |